Saturday, January 24, 2009

Questions have been raised about Super Junior’s song “U” being plagiarized by a Spanish music group. Super Junior fans posted an accusation of plagiarism against Adriel’s “Solo un Segundo,” claiming that the Spanish song is an exact copy of “U.”

However, Super Junior’s representative SM Entertainment refuted the claim by saying that although Super Junior has the right to use the music in Asia, Adriel is the one with the European right to the music. “U” was composed jointly by Swedish composer Ken Ingwersen and British musician Kevin Simm.

Similar accusations flared up with TVXQ’s “Mirotic” last year. The song composed by two American composers was given to both TVXQ and German singer Sarah Connor, causing misunderstanding among TVXQ fans. Music industry insiders explained that it’s become commonplace for foreign composers to license the same song for different musicians in different regions. They also advised Korean fans to keep pace with the changes in the music licensing and publishing field. + gorgeous18
source: seoulfull
credit: KBS Global


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