Saturday, January 24, 2009

Again, i got this post from a blog which i have to remained it as anonymous. But i wont said it as ridicilous. I kinda agree with what the author says. What happen to Super Junior no.1 pretty smile boy?

Forgive me if this news has already been discussed and reported elsewhere. I’ve been out of the K-pop loop due to personal reasons, but when I saw this picture of Kim Ki Bum, I couldn’t help but to wonder what the hell happened to Super Junior’s pretty boy #1.

Did Shingdong play a mean trick on this poor boy while he goes on a diet to loose “10kg”? Or is Kim Ki Bum just losing track of himself? Or did I really loose it and this is how Kim Ki Bum really looked like when he started out? I’m not sure, but someone please give me an explanation or get this boy a fitness trainer asap!

credit: gorgeous18


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