Sunday, January 25, 2009

♥ Jaejoong's Dog - Bikue ♥
Jaejoong ah~ You should feed Bikue more too! He look so much smaller than his breed should be~ Just like Harang too. Great Pyrenees should be huge and fluffy! & one more thing, Bikue totally got that blur look on him! haha xD Look at the 2nd pic and you'll understand what i'm trying to say! xD

♥ Yunho's Dog - Taepung ♥
When i first saw these pics of Taepung, i was shocked! He was used to be so tiny and skinny~ But now, a gorgeous and mature Siberian Husky! :D I love the eyes and markings! SO NICE! ♥♥

♥ Junho's Dog - Hoki ♥
Awww~ Here's our macho Hoki! haha xD I also remember that he was just a little skinny Goldie when i last saw his pics, but now~ A Macho Golden Retriever! :D

♥ Junsu's Dog - Xiahky ♥
Here comes our most popular dog among all, XIAHKY! ^-^ Isn't he gorgeous? I freakin' love its coat! OMG, SO WHITE & NICE TO TOUCH! haha xDD I can see the Show Dog potential in Xiahky! >.<>

♥ Yoochun's Dog - Harang ♥
Yoochun ah~ Why Harang still look so tiny for its breed? Alaskan Malamute should be bigger than that~ So feed Harang with more foods! >.< But afterall, Harang is still gorgeous and i love his markings on his forehead~! OMG, look like an angel to me :D

♥ Harang, Hoki & Bikue ♥

credit: as tagged + TVXQBaidu + fangirlmitz + gorgeous18


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