Sunday, April 19, 2009

To all those who have been annoyed, angered and driven to chocolate while you meant to be on a diet - I KNOW YOUR PAIN!

To those who have no idea what I'm talking about - get with the program!

Round 3 of Channel V's "Battle of the Pop: Asia vs. Asia" has been a cutthroat, uphill battle. Fans on both sides have been so enthusiastic that the site has been down for most of the last two days.

DBSK was lagging by several hundred votes for most of this round of the competition. Yesterday the power of Cassiopiea kicked in and we surged ahead by 2,000 votes. However I am sad to announce, that not only has ELF caught up with us - they've passed as AGAIN. Last I heard, they were leading by some 500 votes.

BUT - there is good news:


Take note:
Stop posting desperate pleas for help on Soompi!
It's been driving everyone nuts, so please stop!


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