April 27th, 2005 we debuted in Japan with .
and this year, we’re welcoming our 4th debut anniversary in Japan.
We made a big success with our debut in Korea, therefore, when we started our way debuting in Japan, we came with tremendous hope and also self-confidence.
But it didn’t turn out that way. We met a lot of difficulties, the changing environment, couldn’t make up with Japanese life–among all the strangers…. and the hardest part of all was Japanese language.
Relying to our own self to live here was not as easy as we thought before. Along with that, our hope was steadily faded away, our self-confidence also slowly disappeared.
“Why should we be here, what makes us to be here? If only we’re just in Korea, we won’t be like this…”
We thought about it a lot of times. And the more we thought, the more we’re absorbed to it.
At that time, despites all our purposes and dreams, all we wanted was release everything and back to Korea!
But, in the end we held out and stay. And one who made us stay in Japan Was all you guys!
We still remember, our first stage in Japan… eventhough there were only few people, but we tried our best. Seeing everyone slowly followed our rhythm by clapping their hands, listening to our singing considerately as brought by the melody… all of those gave a big power to us.

For all friends who took care of our dream, we definitely couldn’t just let everything go. Thus we told to ourselves, “FIGHTING!”
At our first Arena concert, at the latest venue, we promised everyone, “Next year, we’ll meet in a bigger venue!!!”
For that promise, we worked hard. The second Arena concert, we made a finale stage at Budoukan hall. The tour last year was also ended successfully.
The first time we performed there in front of audiences who might not even know anything about us.
But each year, as you can see, our fans has been increasing.
The special one was last year A-Nation, where from front to back, there were all of you guys. We all got crazy together at that time. It’s really touching.
We could stand on stage, feel all your support and love, is the most precious thing to us.
Today we want to tell this to you.
It’s all because your love which makes us to fight all the agitation at the beginning of our career here.
Time passes so quickly, but then it’s only 4 years. Remembering all these 4 years, to be here with everyone talking together, holding a fanmeeting, we’re very glad.
Really thank you, to have all your support. For all who sincerely support Tohoshinki, we can’t ever thank you properly.
Henceforth, we’ll walk forward step by step by working harder!
All Bigeast~ please keep supporting us!!!
Junsu, Yoochun, Jaejoong, Changmin, Yunho
The 3rd Bigeast Fanmeeting
Source: Bigeast 3rd Fanmeeting
Credits: 存在 + TVXQCN + Hobbs+{DBSJ Heaven}
Japanese - Chinese trans: TVXQ Family
Chinese - Indo trans: Misu@TVXQIndo.com
Indo - Eng trans: sharingyoochun@wordpress